for medical
NurseAssess is...
A smart note-taker for nursing assessments,
a high-cognitive-burden activity that nurses
do hundreds of times in every shift.
It supports real-time,
point-of-care documentation.
Who uses it?

What is
and why
do I need it?
Why Point-of-Care
Using mobile devices, point-of-care documentation becomes practical and even preferable to other methods. NurseAssess does this.

Which nursing
does it support?
More than 60 nursing assessments are implemented and planned.
- Abdomen
- Acuity and Stability
- Allergies
- BP (blood pressure)
- Behavioral
- Blood Administration
- Blood Glucose Level (Diabetes)
- Body Mass Index (BMI)
- Braden Skin Risk
- Cardiovascular
- Care Coordination
- Case Management
- Central Lines
- Clock Drawing Test (CDT)
- End-Tidal CO2
- Foleys
- Functional Gait Assessment
- Functional Status
- GI
- GU
- Gait
- General Practitioner Assessment of Cognition (GPCOG — dementia assessment)
- Geriatric Depression Scale Short Form (GDS-SF)
- Glasgow Coma Scale
- HOH/ADA Special Needs
- HR (heart rate; pulse)
- Height
- I/O
- IV lines and fluid
- Menstrual Cycle
- Mini-Mental Status Examination (MMSE)
- Musculoskeletal
- Neuro
- Newborn
- Norton Pressure Ulcer Risk Scale
- Nurse’s Notes
- OB
- Pain
- Pain, detailed
- Photo of wound
- Psychosocial
- RR (respiration rate)
- Required Documentation
- Respiratory
- Safety
- Schmid fall risk
- Shortness of Breath
- Skin
- Smoking
- SpO2 (blood oxygenation)
- Teaching and Discharge Plan
- Temperature
- The Confusion Assessment Method Instrument
- The Confusion Assessment Method for the Intensive Care Unit (CAM-ICU)
- The Multidimensional Observation Scale for Elderly Subjects (MOSES)
- Veterans Affairs (VA) Saint Louis University Mental Status Examination (SLUMS)
- Weight
- Wounds — Gosnell Scale
- Wounds — Payne-Martin scale for classifying skin tears
- Wounds — Pressure Sore Stage
- Wounds — Waterlow Scale
- Each month, we add more assessments. Subscribers get these updates for free.
Who are we?
Nurse Tech, Inc. combines technology and healthcare to develop and sell apps that support nurses in being efficient and practicing safely. It's all about the workflow!
We are a startup making good progress.
There is a compelling business plan, a stellar Board of Directors, some investors, several programmers, a lawyer, a computer graphics artist, patent 9164656 for our Graphical Display for Scheduling and Monitoring Tasks, several completed hospital beta tests, and two released products with ten thousand users and growing.
The corporation is privately held.

How safe
is my data?
It has all the protections required of any medical data. That is, nothing is collected that would identify you or any patient. We share it with no one.
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the NurseAssess app
for FREE
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nurse or nursing student?
If you are a working nurse
or nursing student and would like
to be a product tester, please contact us.